In Under

Under and Out

Let's face it guys, there's a reason that they were given the name 'under'wear.  Ponder, for a second, some of the abominations on open and hidden parade showcasing themselves around the city?  Common around the city now is the urban guy either into 'half pipes' or 'wooden Jesus pieces' whose frumpy faded Fruit of the Loom or K-Mart Twilight special boxers has seen the better days of being considered package fresh (no pun intended).  Or you had to have spied the modern metrosexual Vanity Smurf type who only dons the low waist 'anything' so you spy the 'CK' or '2Xist' logo on his skin-tight skivvies.  Lastly one cannot forget the traumatized 'I never learned to color outside the lines' anal guy whose visible underwear has to match his tee which in turn matches his dominant sneaker color which in turn matches the bill on his gold sticker tagged New Era baseball cap.  Hey, everyone has their fashion; that's my minor point.  My major point is we've all become a bit comfy with being a bit slovenly and excuse it off as size, sexiness or style.  However, as comfy as we are, if we had to reveal the true nature of our 'delicates' how many of us would shriek and cower in shame.  How many stretched out boxer waistbands are we holding on to?  How many inner legs of our boxer briefs have been eaten away by 'Mr. Left & Right thigh'?  How low can that waistline honestly go before you reveal that unsightly brief bullet-hole?  And did you really buy those briefs 'n' boxers that threadbare and faded or are you dabbling in cross-dressing with a pair of semi-sheer control tops?

I'm attacking.  And I don't mean to it's just that if men took as much pride with their under as their outer then occasional exposures wouldn't seem like horrible missteps.  Now there are those of you who clearly have no idea what I'm talking about, those who think any exposure is overexposure and those who are cajoled to hear more.  So here it is.  If you're body and briefs rumble together like the North versus the South during the Civil War, then either lessen your troops or implore upon the other side to increase theirs.  Layman's terms?  It's easier to just change your approach to underwear than change your body. (A note to the 'husky', 'slender', 'endowed' and 'bountiful' alike).  With that said and given the mediocre state of men's underwear today, I'll introduce Under.

Under is a luxury underwear brand that aims to combine the cache of the inner & outer of mens undergarments all within the confines of premium textiles, good fit and comfort.  I highly estimate that when Kieron Hurley, Under's founder, was breathing life into his label's designs, he took into consideration the fact that, like womenswear, the line between inner and outer wear for men could be a blurry one.  So he designed his garments for that gentlemen who adds a bit of sartorial panache to his wardrobe choices.  You get the sense from the collection's offerings that it looks to add tasteful appropriateness to the experience of a man in his undergarments in a modern way.  Utilizing only the finest premium quality cotton waffle knits, mercerized and marl jerseys, chambray and light twills, the label invites the wearer to feel comfortable to move and relax. Further, the tailor-esque covered buttons, body mocked seaming and 'gold rush' miner styling details add a clean, attractive and thoughtful quality to the garments that one may not want to keep covered up.  This is why the collection offers long underwear as well, perfectly attuned for layering.

So I'm no longer attacking.  Under could've 'logoed' them, offered garish unconnected colors and S&M'ed them, but thankfully it didn't.  So you have no choice but to fully experience Under equally for how they feel and what they look like.  At the end of the day it's what's to be said of a man who moves with ease and confidence in his mentionable unmentionables.

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