In I Rant You Read

I Rant, You Read: Give Me Body

I remember once discussing with a friend of mine how being too thin created feelings of inadequacy among certain men or color.  His reasoning was that thin equated to having a lack of muscles and that looking bulky was a kind of likening to being athletically masculine or visually virile, if you will.  I thought it was a bit of a pulled stretch at first but I could see where he was coming from.  People have long relied on fashion's play with optics to create a look that either heightened, diminished or balanced their personal vision of how they want to appear versus how they actually were.  Hence the whole horizontal stripes widen, vertical stripes lengthen, black slims and Miracle bras push-up.  However, I must say that this generation is far more liberated than the ideas involved in that debate with my friend years ago.  There seems to be a greater reliance of going out a having the conviction to attain the look and life you want regardless of how well or ill-percieved the visual.  Which means the skinny black guy will rock the 'smedium' tee, 'painted' skinny jeans and oversized sneaker or the overly buxom chick will tout the tight thigh-baring mini unbeknownst to the visual snafus all in the name of the confidence in the idea.  It may not be perfect visually but it's not about being that way.  In a business that insists you get it right most of the time its interesting to see how the public took back the reigns of dictatorship and decided that their personal visions were going to motivate the larger system.  Body morphing takes time and effort so it was almost as if it was silently decided then loudly put into action that it's easier to just adorn myself the way I see my body than make my body the way the consensus thinks it should look.  Side note:  This rant is more of a pointed observation rather than a scathing criticism.

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