In Mens Spring/Summer 2013 Review

Have Color, Will Travel: Mens Spring/Summer 2013 Review

There are less than fine memories for me during my fashionably explorative years in regards to the linking of my Jamaican heritage and a penchant towards bright colors.  My skin is basically that of milk chocolate and chocolate with a bit more cacao during the summer months.  So there always existed a stark contrast between my skin tone and say lime green or traffic-cone orange.  Such a persuasion towards vivid colors exists heavily in the Caribbean and against dark skin was almost always pegged as colors of my heritage in the US.  They are colors that are all around the Caribbean environ everyday in nature and nationalism and tantamount to the Americana revelry of Old Glory or the Union Jack's red, white and blue.

Not that being called out for wearing a bright color ever stopped me.  Proud as we all should be of our diverse colorings,  we all look for ways to complement what coloring we were blessed with from the darkest ebony skin to the blondest blue eye to the most olive-skinned to the most fiery ginger.

So you can imagine how delighted I was that menswear designers for Spring 2013 seemed to be enamored with brilliant saturated sun-kissed yellows, see-through Caribbean water blues and leafy lagoon greens.  Used as accents like on the runways of Louis Vuitton or Moschino or shown in modernized fresh silhouettes at Ports 1961, Ferragamo and Gucci, the influence of fresh sunny, coastal, tranquil colors were a delight to further brighten up men's wardrobes and suggest that men gravitate towards more color dominant specialty pieces for next Spring/Summer.

*All Photos Courtesy of

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