I trust you've by now made your list and certainly checked it twice. If not, don't be embarrassed or annoyed. Neither have I. If you thought we were the only procrastinators then think again. There are many people who wait until the last minute to get gifts and within good reason. Who wants to deal with the crowds, the lines, the shoving and the empty 'out-of-stock' items all in the name of the holidays. I mean, have you walked on 34th Street or on Broadway in Soho in NYC? It's not the tourists making the city manic for the holidays. It's the Mr. and Mrs. "Miller" who 'mill' around the sales floor look for God knows what for their list that resembles an auditing ticker tape. "Linda Looky-Loo" who blocks your way while making an annoying art-form out of slowly looking through a pile of picked over sweaters in a crowded wherever. Then theres "Carol and Peter Pack-mule" who are verifiable going to make someone go 'holiday card laden mail carrier postal' if they smack you with their one of ten-thousand bags on some street corner again.
Well suck it up and decide whether you're in or out. The pot just got thicker and sweeter. There's just under two weeks left to get your act together, and retailers know this. So to coax you out of your anti-establishment holiday boycott, they are some nice deals going on today and this weekend in NYC and online to sweeten the deal and the empty your pockets; all in the name of the holidays of course.
Check out these five sales today and this weekend:
601 West 26th St
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