In Mens Clothing Mens Fashion Mens Issues Mens Spring/Summer 2014 Review Mens Style Menswear SmartWeave

The Sartorial Sweater: SmartWeave Shirts

Ah, yesterday was the unofficial start of summer.  That clearly means that by the time June 21st rolls around, it will be that time.  What time you ask?  Well for me it means trying to stay cool and dry from the time I pull my key out of the door to the time I put it back in.  Schvitzing bullets is something I've come to accept but no less abhor.  What's worse than the unavoidable kiddie pool that will form on my forehead is the mere thought of sweat stains and arriving for the venue less the calm, cool, collected and dry.  

What will it take for me to arrive at the event, slip off my blazer and my shirt be unbothered by perspiration?  Enter SmartWeave!  They're the only dress shirts the prevent sweat marks with patented British technology ten years in the making, that draws the sweat from the skin while the outside stays cool and dry.  Skeptical?  I was a bit too till I saw a demonstration and realized they are most certainly onto something here.  Then I saw the range of cuts and fabric choices for the shirts and  was sold. 
SmartWeave offers their groundbreaking technology in three different cuts of traditional, tailored and slim.  The shirts range from about $100 to $115 and are fully customizable with collar, fit, trim, pattern, cuff, color and occasion options on the company's website.  What's smart, in addition to the technology, is that the option to customize and the range of fits for a broad cross section of guys makes this the quintessential shirt for the modern man.  It's a no-sweat, no-brainer!

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