What would you lay on your dinner table in a perfect world? Hormone-free this, free-range that and everything grown organically without pesticides and most certainly not in a lab. Then if you want to get more specific, would my carnivores need that perfectly marbled twenty-ounce kobe ribeye with the meatiest five pound lobster? Would my fellow vegans need those quintessential brussel sprouts roasted in a cast iron skillet with an equally exciting slice of avocado toast? On that ideal table, the food temps would be perfect, the herbs fresh & buoyant and the wine & spirits top-shelf. Randoms on my ideal table would have to include something crispy & french-fried and verdant & vine-ripened. Then, I can't sit down comfortably to enjoy a smorgasbord of culinary savories without a well-balanced hot sauce, array of lively seasonings and exemplary condiments.
This fantasy would most certainly put Truffle Salt by The Truffleist on my table. Let me just preface this by saying that the first time I had truffles, I actually had real shaved black truffles and it was kismet on my palette. Aromatic, distinct, balmy and comforting is the only way I can describe black truffles and it comes full circle in the Truffleist's Truffle salt, a specialty grey sea salt tossed with bits of dried black truffles and truffle flavoring. That unique earthiness and depth that only black truffles can have is what reside in a jar of the Truffleist's Truffle Salt with an aroma so intense and cloying that it seeps through the jar systematically beckoning you to lace anything you sprinkle salt on with that lovely familiar essence. For a Netflix night it goes over my popcorn, it brings wonderful fullness to my avocado toast and it gives great soothing warmth to my pizzas.
Speaking of pizzas, my readers are no stranger to my being vegan. This Truffle Salt gives great flavor to vegan pizza and vegan dishes by replacing through salt and black truffle a level of depth what many feel is missing from vegan cooking due to a lack of animal fats. In getting serious about your seasonings as many vegans must get, this salt is truly a necessary one for the pantry that will truly become your salt of choice. However don't just take my word for it. Whether you are an ardent truffle fanatic or wonderfully curious and new to truffle-dom, discover the Truffleist's Truffle Salt and all of their uniquely truffled products here. For now, just get some ideas like this one below for a superb vegan pizza I made with the Truffleist's Truffle Salt, and get to know how the salt'll make you swoon.
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